How To Throw the Ultimate Informal Dinner Party
After you buy a new home, it’s natural to want to show it off to your friends and family. It’s also a great time to meet your neighbors and make friends in your new neighborhood. The first party in your new home is also a great opportunity to invite your new home builders to celebrate a job well done. An informal dinner party is a great way to start your new life in your new home on a high note. A dinner party can be just as exciting to plan and host as it is to attend and enjoy. Here are a few tips new homeowners can use to make the first dinner party in their new home a big success:
Plan Way Ahead
Create a Menu
Plan your meal well in advance of the party. Make sure to account for everyone who might attend, and be sure to prepare enough food for everyone to eat. If you have a menu planned in advance, you can include it with your invitations to whet the appetites of potential partygoers. It’s also an opportunity to ask if any guests need alternate dishes due to food sensitivities. If your party is near a holiday or other special event on the calendar, you can incorporate it as the theme of the gathering.
Send Out Invitations Early
Make sure to send out the invitations to your party at least three weeks in advance. That makes is easier for guests to make sure their calendars are clear to attend. Don’t obsess over the format of your invitation. The only important thing is to make sure everyone on your list of invitees knows about the occasion. You can send invitations by mail, email, or through social media, like Facebook. If you would like them to RSVP in advance, make sure to let them know on the invitation.
Ask for Help
There’s no reason to be shy about asking for help from friends to help set up an informal party. Some guests will jump at the chance to help with decorations, dishes, and silverware, and other small tasks. It relieves a lot of the stress that goes into throwing the party, and it allows you to focus on important tasks like cooking the dinner.
Set the Party Mood With Great Food
Although the party is informal, the dinner is still bound to be the highlight of occasion. While cooking for a big crowd can be a bit of a challenge, you’ll soon discover that new home builders design and detail kitchens to handle much more than everyday meals. If you’re accustomed to entertaining in a cramped apartment, you’ll be amazed at how much easier it is to prepare and serve a lot of food in full-size kitchen. However, informal dinner parties aren’t much fun if you’re stuck at the stove the whole time. Here are a few tips for food preparation that will help you enjoy your party along with your guests:
Prepare Food That’s Easy To Serve and Eat
Showing off your culinary skills with a complex meal may be great for a small number of guests, but when preparing a meal for a dinner party, it’s best to keep the food simple. Green and fruit salads with a variety of dressings, simple side dishes, and easy to make desserts are all great menu options. Of course, the choices for what to prepare are nearly endless. Look for sites online with great ideas for dishes to prepare.
Make a Variety of Dishes
Plan different types of dishes to accommodate partygoers with food allergies, or who are otherwise unable to eat certain foods. If you prepare smaller amounts of different kinds of food, everyone will be able to enjoy a rich selection of your best cooking.
Plastic Utensils Make Cleanup Easier
Informal dinner parties call for simplicity. If you’re serving a lot of guests, it’s easy to run out of regular silver ware. It’s perfectly OK to use plastic eating utensils to serve your guests. As a bonus, it saves a lot of cleanup after the party if over. Plasticware comes in many different colors, including silver and gold. It is also very inexpensive to buy. If you’re concerned about the environment, you can buy compost-able utensils. These are made from plant materials instead of plastic, and they are designed to be recycled, or even better, made into compost for your yard.
Set the Mood With Great Music
A good party needs good music. Plan ahead and make your own MP3 playlist of your favorite tunes to save you time with fussing with media during the party. You can also use an online streaming service, like Pandora or Spotify. If those options aren’t available, you can always simply turn on the radio to your favorite station. Music is a great way to liven up a party. It can help to show off the personality of new homeowners and their new homes. Here are a few tips about choosing music wisely:
Make Sure It’s Appropriate for the Occasion
Different people like different kinds of music. Your job is to avoid boredom without sending sensitive ears to the exits early. The music you select should reflect your personal likes and dislikes, but make sure the music is something everyone can enjoy.
Watch the Volume
It’s not fun to shout over music to socialize at an informal dinner party. Keep the volume at a comfortable level. It should be loud enough for people to hear it clearly and enjoy it, but soft enough so that people can talk over the music and still be heard.
Make Room for Dancing and Socializing
If you intend to have an area designated for dancing, make sure to keep a quiet space available for guests who wish to talk to each other. Nothing is more annoying than not being able to hear a guest because the music is too loud.
With these tips from the new home builders at Chetty Builders, homeowners can be sure that their party will be a great success. That gives all the more reason to eat, drink, and be merry!
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This post was written by Chetty Builders