Top Tips for Moving to New Homes If You Have Kids
Moving into new homes is an exciting time. Owners of new build homes can look forward to experiences that will make memories that last a lifetime. However, children may need extra help from their parents to adjust to their new homes. Fortunately, with a little planning, parents can help their children acclimate to their new homes in many different ways. Here are just a few way to help your children adjust to their new home that will have them as eager to move as you are:
Before the Move
Create Artwork for New Homes
Ask your children to create beautiful works of art that you can hang up in your new home. Give your children helpful ideas of subjects. For example, ask them to create pictures of your pets, family members, or of their new home. You can hang them temporarily in your home until you unpack your other decorations. Afterward, you can keep the pictures as treasured mementos.
Explore Your House
Before you move in, take your children over to the new home and let them explore. You can ask them to count the number of rooms in the house or rank them in order of size. Ask them to make a map of their new home. You can even play a game of hide-and-seek with your kids in your new home.
Find a Local Park To Meet New Friends
Find a nearby park or playground that kids from other new homes play at, and take your children there before you move. You children can meet new friends and acquaintances, and you can meet their parents, and maybe even some of you new neighbors.
Let Your Children Pack Their Own Things
With a parent’s guidance, let your children identify and pack their most important things. Parents can help decide what to pack, and offer tips on how to pack it. It’s more fun and rewarding if you make a game of it. See who can pack the most into a box without making it impossible to close.
During the Move
Unpack Your Children’s Room First
Put your kids’ boxes and furniture into the moving van or truck last. That will allow you to take those items out for unpacking first. Let your children unpack their toys and clothes, while you work on other areas of your new home. Having their room ready right away also helps ease children’s anxiety about moving into new homes.
Give Them a Project
If you have small, simple tasks, like unpacking plastic ware, you can let your children join in. If there isn’t anything suitable for your children at any given time, give them a make-work project. For example, ask them to count the number of tiles on the floor as a project.
Take Them to the Park or Playground
If you have friends or family nearby, ask them to take your children to the park while you move into your home. Your children can meet other kids from other new homes in the neighborhood, and make some new friends. Meanwhile, you can work on unpacking things in your new home.
After the Move
Plan a Welcome Party
After you’ve met the neighbors, and your kids have made a few friends, you can help you kids host a housewarming event. You can host a movie night, pizza party, ice cream social, or even a holiday party. Ask some of the parents if their kids would like to bring along another friend. This will help to give your child even more people to meet.
Take a Tour of the Town
Think like a tourist and go see the local sights. Your town’s Chamber of Commerce website should have plenty of suggestions for what to see and do. You can also ask your neighbors about any places they could recommend to you that you can visit.
Involve Yourself in the Community
The best way for your children to find new friends and acquaintances (and for you to meet them) is to involve yourselves in the community. You and your children can join community activities, visit the community pool or the local childhood club centers.
Move Your Children Into New Homes Easier With These Tips
With these tips, parents can be sure their children will have a fun time moving into new homes. Careful planning your child’s activities before, during and after the move will help reduce your children’s anxiety about moving into their new home. Even better, both you and your children will have a jump start on meeting new friends in your community. Making your move easier for your children will make it easier on you, too. That helps everyone have a happier, easier time moving into their new homes.
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This post was written by Chetty Builders